Friday, March 31, 2017

Examining Frannie #11: Letter to Bishop Michael Sheridan

March 31, 2017

Bishop Michael Sheridan
Diocese of Colorado Springs
228 N. Cascade Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Re: Frannie Rose
One Simple Voice

Your Excellency:

I. Personal Note

Since our last correspondence it has heavily weighed upon me that the manner of my discourse with you personally as well as the manner of my presentation throughout my research had been less than ideal and may have served as a hindrance to the very purpose for which I set out to accomplish. For this I deeply apologize and ask for your patience in this matter and ask that you allow the truth of what I wish to convey to win over any manner in which it is presented.

My desire for the last few years has been to study and present the teachings of Frannie Rose in her own words so that there would be no confusion concerning its meaning. And often this has created impassioned moments of ill-temper, impatience, and arrogance. My intent, however, was and continues to be the catechesis of Catholics about the dangers of New Age Spirituality and its most recent expression through the teachings of Frannie Rose. Many, many hours has been poured into this project in the evaluation of her teachings for the purpose of presenting it to you in her own words, a task which has not been simple nor expedient to say the least.

When I first announced that I would be reviewing and explaining the teachings of Frannie Rose I received immediate opposition from some of her students. This initial response revealed to me just how pervasive her teachings had become within the area. When I engaged each and every one of them not one of them spoke from a factual basis but rather spoke of their relationship to Frannie Rose and spoke of their personal experiences. I was personally attacked and was not able to reason with any of them because none of them were willing to evaluate what I had documented.1

I care very much for the revelation of Christ and His Church, and I take personal issue with those who attempt to lead people away from that fullness and into the incredible dangers that exist and I myself have experienced. When some of the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Colorado Springs first explained their frustrations to me I did not put too much thought into it, but as the problem persisted I felt a personal call to unravel the teachings of Frannie and to explain to others in no uncertain terms that she is not presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ, nor is she presenting a Christian form of prayer, nor is she echoing the voice of the saints in own day, nor is what she teaches couched in the theology of the Church, rather, what and how she teaches is directly influenced by and firmly based upon basic fundamental philosophical assumptions which are in stark opposition to the Christian revelation.

II. Historical Background

A. Religious Formation and Influence

Prior to Frannie's entrance into the Catholic Church her religious formation came primarily through New Age teachers such as Deepak Chopra,2 3 Eckhart Tolle,4 James Redfield,5 and Gary Zukav6. She did not enter the Catholic Church in order to be in full communion, that is to be fully convinced of the dogmas of the Catholic Church as revealed by God. Rather, she claims that a spirit, which refers to itself as 'I Am', directed her to Buddhist and Sufi texts and she came to conclude that they contained the same essential teachings as Scripture, though she was admittedly partial to Buddhist writings. She entered the Church in order to promulgate New Age Spirituality under the guidance of this spirit who came to her, which she now identifies with her True Self, the voice of her heart. She was not drawn to the Church by its truth, rather she was told to go to the Catholic Church in order to draw it into this spirit's teachings.

To the contrary, Scripture tells us not to “believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God...”7 We are also told that “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.”8 Scripture also tells us that “every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist...”9 The spirit which she listens to is the foundation of her religious experiences, and it is this same spirit who wants to use her to infiltrate the Catholic Church.

B. The Present New Age Infiltration

The spirit that influenced her did not lead her to the unique and exclusive incarnation of God in the person of Jesus Christ, nor did it draw her into the Catholic Church by the fullness of truth.

To the contrary, this spirit has told her: “I am pulling the nuns. And with My word, one day the priests, too, will feel pulled. Slowly their faith will become less covered by structure and will be the breath of essence as which it began – a circle. War based upon dogma will end.... we shall begin with the Catholic Church, as its structure is heavy, and eyes fall upon it. Once its clergy hears My voice, I will give them instructions for My way to peace.”10 Earlier in her book, The Invitation, this spirit defines structure as “Churches, temples, and religious traditions...”11 This spirit also says that “many priests are lost in old conditioning and thick structure.”12 Frannie teaches that we need to question what the Church has taught us and to abandon the dogmas of the Church, particularly the teaching that God is distinct, and to listen to this spirit that has been influencing her.

Likewise this spirit spoke concerning the liturgy that “I am not in the space that is filled with another's words... hearing another's words fills up one's mind... I am elusive to your mind.”13 Frannie therefore teaches and speaks of the liturgy as a “program filled with words to say and repeat” and that this is “the structure that is seen in religious practices today.” “From the moment one enters a church or a sanctuary, the program is written for him.”14

To the contrary, the liturgy on earth reflects the on-going heavenly liturgy of the saints as depicted in the book of Revelation. God is present to us through Word and Sacrament, and permeates the entire Mass with his presence with those same words which he has given unto us. Any work of the Holy Spirit will be in conformity with what God has already revealed to us and which we already live out by the fullness of truth in the Catholic Church. This is why this spirit wants to work within the silence of one's mind apart from the scripture-saturated mass.

There is a clear demarcation between those who merely live the form of religion without a vibrant faith in Christ, and the idea that all religious traditions, including the dogmas of the Catholic Church, need to be abandoned so that a spirit can lead us into Panentheism. There is also a clear distinction between gaining a deeper understanding of the revelation of Christ, and the idea that New Age Spirituality can enhance or enrich the teachings of the Catholic Church through listening to a spirit that works in and through Frannie Rose, and those she attempts to influence.

This spirit did not lead her to the Catholic Church to embrace its fullness or to accept Christ as the incarnation of God, she was being led to the Church to undermine its dogmas, which is precisely what spirits attempt to do through the New Age movement and their infiltration of the Church. The only way for “the war upon dogma” to end is to eliminate the dogmas of the Church, this would be to remove the 'structure that weighs down the heart', which she claims to be part of God, and in acknowledging this is how peace is brought about in the world.15 She would have us to believe that this “war upon dogma”, that is the contrary teachings in different world religions one from another, will end when we all recognize that each of our respective religions are mere vehicles to this same Panentheistic God, and through this God-consciousness we will have peace and harmony. This is the core doctrine of New Age Spirituality.

Near the end of her book she states that “This is not about religion, structure, a specific dogma, or words to follow. Each religion is only a vehicle to God...”16 “A religion is just a vehicle and to get it right is not the point, to find God is."17 To find God according to Frannie Rose means to obtain God-consciousness, that is to realize that you are God in your True Self, and no matter what path one takes to get there she claims that this is what is found in the center, God. This is precisely New Age teaching. Although Christianity may assist in higher levels of consciousness, as used and interpreted within the paradigm of New Age Spirituality, but essentially it is an obstacle to the highest state of consciousness, the realization that God and man is not distinct.

To the contrary, finding God through the incarnation of God the Son, the second person of the Holy Trinity, through the inspired text, and through the Church, which is the sacrament of salvation, is the right, true, proper, and normative means which has been given unto us by God to find Him. That there are small rays of truth mixed with error in other world religions, and that God may at times work in the lives of people exactly where they are at does not negate the fullness of the Catholic Church, nor God's desire that we be led deeper into that fullness, that is, to come to know and understand who it is who has so graciously saved us through the blood of Jesus Christ. “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”18

C. Dangers of the New Age Paradigm

According to Frannie all exclusive claims to truth are a product of the egoic mind, a structure of the false self, the mind prison that has been built through conditioning by religion and what we have been told by the Church. The New Age infiltrates all religions by first claiming that they all lead to God, which they define according to Panentheism, the True Self, and then condition them further to see their religion as a mere vehicle to New Age Spirituality. The result is that the religious paradigm shifts, and the New Age concept of God usurps previously held beliefs, which are now discarded in as much as those teachings conflict with what they have now found within the New Age. In the end, the person comes to accept all the tenants of New Age Spirituality, to a greater or lesser degree, and will perceive anything contrary to it as a product of the egoic mind – a structure and conditioning known as the false self.

Often people who have been drawn into the New Age Movement retain their membership to whichever religion they previously preferred in order to spread New Age teachings further, and will at times encourage people in it as long as they adopt New Age ideas. It is a slow, subtle, and deceptive process of syncretism19, a blurring of distinctions, until ultimately the previously held positions are either absorbed, subsumed, or abandoned according to the New Age paradigm.

D. New Age Mind-Conditioning Technique

Frannie continues to dismiss the Church which Christ established with divine authority and which the saints have defended with their blood. Frannie teaches that we are to empty our mind of revelation and simply listen to this spirit about who God is. “We miss seeing God because we think we know about him... we have been told in Church...”20 “ we don't know anything about God, we are going to let God tell us about him, or her...”21

Frannie leads people away from the scriptural teaching of testing the spirits by the revelation of Christ and the teaching of the Church. “Even when people begin to hear God's voice the first thing they do is they question whether or not its God, because they allow their mind to analyze what their hearing, if they let go of the analyzing of what their hearing and allow their hearts to come into the situation, they know its God.”22 During an interview on the Rocky Mountain Views, the host asked Frannie: “How do you know you are talking to God, how do you know you are not talking to the devil?” To which Frannie simply said: “...somehow in your heart you know it is right.”23 She has also stated: “...minds don't pretend, but if you are really hearing the voice of God, God speaks in gentle, kind, and loving ways and our minds don't do that, our minds are critical, they speak negatively, they look for what's wrong in a situation... the mind is always looking for the imperfection...”24

When she was asked if there was reincarnation she responded by choosing not to answer, but rather said that we should be asking God these questions, and then listen to what his answer is.25

To the contrary, the New Age uses mind conditioning techniques such as emptying the mind, or creating space through unlearning, in order to circumvent the discernment process which God told us to use in order to recognize if a spirit is from God or not, that is, to test it against the revelation of Christ and the teaching of his apostles through the Catholic Church. It is a common experience within the New Age to receive spirits that are accompanied by feelings of gentleness, kindness, and contain words which are spoken in loving ways. There are many, many documented cases of people who have experienced peace and tranquility when encountered by a spirit through the New Age. Additionally, Frannie continues to cast the mind in a negative light, which is another tactic to lead people to question what they have already learned in order to make people more receptive to this spirit. “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”26

“...there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them... many will follow... and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.”27

III. The Panentheism Heresy and its Concomitants28

A. Panentheism Defined

Frannie's New Age world view stems directly from her most basic philosophical assumption of Panentheism. Panentheism comes from the Greek: , 'everything'; , 'in'; , 'God'. “Everything in God”. Despite what the term denotes, the teaching of Panentheism is not to be confused with the teaching of the immanence of God in Christian Theism. Panentheism is defined as:

“The theory that the world is part of God, though not the whole of his being. ...a part of God is the universe and a part is simply God.”
  • Modern Catholic Dictionary

“The belief that the Being of God includes... the whole universe, so that every part of it exists in Him, but... that His Being is more than, and is not exhausted by, the universe.”
  • The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Frannie Rose rejects the Catholic teaching that all extra-Divine things were created ex nihilo and remain distinct from God in all respects, but rather teaches that “God was in everything around me, inside me, and greater than what was around me and inside me. God was all and more.”29 She has also written that we are all “a piece of God-self”, and that “We are a spark of God-Self. God is... the very essence of our spirit.”30 This spirit who refers to itself as 'I Am' has told her that “ have always known Me. You are united with Me through all eternity.”31 In the context of encouraging people to empty their minds in order to listen to the voice of this spirit she states: “...we’re not going to become ‘a mind,’ we’re going to be God, unlimited mind.”32 “God-consciousness is infinite, it’s eternal, unlimited by thought and perception – ‘I AM,’ unrefined by the ego.”33

Such teachings are indistinguishable from the New Age teachings of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet:

“...Jesus knows his True Self to be the Light-emanation of this Christ that always was, is, and ever shall be. And he wants you to know that your Real Self is also that selfsame Light.”34

“Jesus' I AM Presence looks just like yours. This is the common denominator. This is the co-equality of the sons and daughters of God. He created you equal in the sense that he gave you an I AM Presence – he gave you a Divine Self.”35

Likewise, the teaching of deceiving spirits who work through mediums36, an occult practice, also teach that we are God. In fact, Frannie herself serves as a medium when she publicizes the teachings of the spirit that refers to itself as 'I AM' in her book The Invitation.

A spirit that referred to itself as 'Ramtha' working through the medium J. Z. Knight taught: “God, the principal, is all things.”37 Another spirit that referred to itself as 'Jesus' working through the medium Helen Schucman taught: “The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself. There is no separation of God and His creation.”38 Another spirit that referred to itself as 'Seth' working through the medium Jane Roberts taught: “...there is nothing else but God – only God exists... All is God.”39 This is a very common experience within the New Age.

To the contrary:

“All that exists outside God was, in its whole substance, produced out of nothing by God.”40

“... although He is one, singular, altogether simple and unchangeable spiritual substance, must be proclaimed distinct in reality and essence from the world... from the beginning of time created each creature from nothing...”41

Therefore, there is an absolute distinction between the transcendent God, who is Wholly Other, and what we are. No aspect of ourselves were nor will ever be God in any way, to any degree, and any language that suggests otherwise is irresponsible, dangerous, and heretical.

Even the incarnation of Christ, a union of two natures which maintained each nature “...without mingling, without change... the distinction of the natures nowhere removed on account of the union...”42

Every one of Frannie's teachings are permeated with this basic, fundamental philosophical assumption. Her teachings concerning the True Self, of our inner Perfection, and the use of the term “God-consciousness” are all deeply rooted in Panentheism. Her teachings of the mind/heart conflict and listening to an inner voice all stem from a denial of Christian Theism.

B. The True Self
For example, the New Age teaching of the True Self is directly rooted in the Panentheistic world view. The following quotation from Thomas Keating43 puts this into perspective: “God and our true Self are not separate. Though we are not God, God and our true Self are the same thing.”44 Likewise Frannie Rose defines the True Self as “God +The Seeds of the Spirit”45. This language concerning the True Self can be confusing outside of a Panentheistic world view. Since Panentheism maintains that a part of God is the universe and a part is simply God, then the True Self can be said to be the same as that part of God that is the universe, and yet at the same time we are not God, in that we are not also that part of God that is simply God. The centering prayer movement, like the teachings of Frannie Rose, are “understood to be an infiltration of New Age/Hindu/Buddhist thought into traditional Catholic mysticism”.4647

C. Perfection and the New Age Version of Original Sin

Likewise, she rejects the Church's understanding of original sin but rather believes that we are perfect the moment we are born. Because she rejects the Catholic doctrine of a transcendent God who created all of us from nothing, she therefore believes that we are part of God and as such this part of us is perfect. “God pulls us back to the union that we were born to. The truth is that your heart and God are together as One... Your awareness when you came out of the birth canal was of the present moment. I was of the “I AM.”48 “You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later, you take on limitations.”49 “This is perfection. It is the only part of you that is perfect.”50 “...what happens is that we were always 'we' from the time of birth and what we did through our conditioning is that we walked away from that...kind of like the original sin... the way its taught is sometimes distorted...”51 “This is who you were and what you sought until the mind complicated things.”52 According to Frannie Rose, we are included in the being of God, and at some point we 'walked away from the voice of God' by entering into the delusion of duality. In other words, the 'original sin' of New Age Spirituality is that we lost sight of God-consciousness and began to take on a false self that we perceived as distinct from God, and therefore began to live out of the egoic mind. 'Salvation' within the New Age paradigm is seen as the journey of self-realization, of awakening, or of enlightenment, coming back to that original God-consciousness, that we are God.53

IV. The Church's Ultimate Trial

“Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the 'mystery of iniquity' in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his messiah come in the flesh.”54

  • New Age Spirituality is a “form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth.”

  • Through the influence of New Age Spirituality people come to believe in the heresy of Panentheism and by which they identify themselves with God. This is the manner in which one “...glorifies himself in place of God...”

  • New Age Spirituality rejects and leads people away from the unique and exclusive incarnation of God and the Church which He established. This is the manner in which one denies “his messiah come in the flesh” “This is the spirit of antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.”55

VI. Request for Ecclesiastical Censure

We formally request immediate and public censure of One Simple Voice and those involved on account of the heresies contained therein. As an “obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith...”,56 it is clear that Frannie Rose has not only adopted material heresy but has been actively promoting it within the diocese despite being confronted with Catholic teaching. Thus far she is properly defined as a material heretic.

If she rejects any Catholic teaching but yet continues to pretend that she doesn't is a grave offense and is a blatant lie and is scandalous when done within the context of the public liturgy. If she recites the Nicene Creed but yet believes in Panentheism, or partakes of the Eucharist knowing that she is not in full communion with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, or hypocritically pretends to be a Catholic by being a member but yet rejects the unique incarnation of God and the fullness of truth within the Catholic Church, but instead believes in New Age Spirituality, especially Panentheism, then she incurs automatic excommunication for her heresy.

“An apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication...”57

“A person who deliberately denies even one of the doctrines of the Church cannot be a Catholic.”58

While I leave her moral culpability in the hands of God, it can not be denied that Frannie Rose is not excused by invincible ignorance, for the knowledge of her error must be apparent to her through our writings and any conversations which have taken place concerning the matter. Through these efforts Frannie Rose has been given sufficient time to recant her positions, gain a properly formed conscience under the teaching authority of the Catholic Church, and repair the damage that has been caused by the introduction of these destructive heresies.

To the contrary, she has obstinately continued in her heresy and remains actively engaged in promulgating the same despite being notified of her error.

I prefer that her de facto state of excommunication be recognized and enforced within the Church according to Canon Law. The Catechism of the Catholic Church likewise indicates that such a state of excommunication “...impedes the reception of the sacraments...”59 In my opinion, the continual allowance of participation within the Church is a scandal and should cease immediately. All necessary action should be taken to ensure that Bishop Hanifen, Frannie Rose, and any other Catholics involved in One Simple Voice are censured from all Church involvement, the reception of the sacraments, and association with the diocese, until which time they recant their errors, repent of their heresy, and cease the promulgation of the same. Above all, the Catholic faithful need to be properly warned of these heresies in order that they may not be led astray from their sincere and pure devotion to Christ, and the fullness of his revelation which subsists within the Catholic Church.

I know that I have written strongly concerning the matter and as I stated before do not intent to disrespect you or anyone else. In this research I have done my best to remain objective and to report my findings as they are and to assess the consequences of the situation as it is. Despite myself, I hope that the truthfulness and seriousness of the continuance of Frannie's participation in the Catholic Church will be recognized for the sake of the faithful everywhere.

Thank you for your careful and compassionate consideration of this letter and these circumstances.


Corey L. Chambers

1 These interactions can be seen here in the comments upon this video. You may also be interested in the entire playlist as I set out to help educate Catholics on the dangers of Frannie's teachings:
2 In her previous book, Fixing Frannie, she includes the following in her book list: The Way of the Wizard. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Among other books written by Chopra is The Third Jesus, showing his view concerning “Christ-consciousness”, a synonymous term with God-consciousness. Chopra denies the unique incarnation of Jesus but rather presents a New Age Jesus where he shows us that we too are One with the Father, just as Jesus is, a Divine Self. See Marcia Montenegro's article on this book:
3 She stated on her Linked In page, before removing it at the request of Bishop Hanifen, that Deepak Chopra was her greatest influence.
4 She engages in a discussion about Tolle in her Rocky Mountain Views interview series and has quoted him several times in her book, The Invitation.
5 In her previous book, Fixing Frannie, she includes the following in her book list: The Celestine Vision. The Tenth Insight.
The Celestine Prophecy. See Montenegro's article:
6 In her previous book, Fixing Frannie, she includes the following in her book list: Seat of the Soul. Soul Stories. Heart of the Soul. See article reviewing Gary Zukav:
7 1 John 4:1
8 1 Timothy 4:1
9 1 John 4:2b-3b
10 Rose, Frannie. The Invitation, 78.
11 Ibid, 59.
12 Ibid, 78.
13 Ibid, 59-60.
14 Ibid, 60.
15 Traditionally within the New Age Movement this age of peace that is sought has been referred to as the Age of Aquarius, it is an era of enlightenment and peace.
16 Rose, Frannie. The Invitation, 193.
17 Rocky Mountain Views, Interview with Frannie Rose
18 John 17:3
19 “Hardon, John. Modern Catholic Dictionary, 529. “...the term mainly refers to misguided claims that religious unity can be achieved by ignoring the differences between faiths on the assumption that all creeds are essentially one and the same.”
20 Spoken at a One Simple Voice Seminar in July 2012, preserved as video content
21 Spoken at a One Simple Voice Seminar in July 2012, preserved as video content
22 Rocky Mountain Views, Interview with Frannie Rose
23 Rocky Mountain Views, Interview with Frannie Rose
24 The Mystic Show, Interview with Frannie Rose
25 Rocky Mountain Views, Interview with Frannie Rose
26 2 Corinthians 11:14
27 2 Peter 2:1-2
28 It is possible that Frannie is a strict Pantheist, maintaining the monistic perspective that all is God, and God is all.
29 Rose, Frannie. The Invitation, 77.
30 Ibid, 21, 101.
31 Ibid, 75.
32 Spoken at a One Simple Voice Seminar in July 2012, preserved as video content
33 Spoken at a One Simple Voice Seminar in July 2012, preserved as video content
34 Prophet/Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus 1: Missing Texts, Karma and Reincarnation, 115-16.
35 Prophet/Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus 2: Mysteries of the Higher Self, 62.
36 Occult practices, including mediums, are condemned by God in Deuteronomy 18:9-14.
37 Mahr, Douglas. Ramtha, Voyage to the New World, 250.
38 Schucman, Helen. A Course in Miracles, 1:136
39 Roberts, Jane. The Seth Material, 237-38.
40 Ott, Ludwig. Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, 79
41 Denzinger, Henry. The Sources of Catholic Dogma, pg 443. 1782-1783 quoting Vatican I
42 Chalcedonian Declaration
43 Bishop Hanifen has stated that he knows Keating personally. Hanifen also stated that he sees no problem with Panentheism. When asked about its definition he did not respond.
44 Keating, Thomas. Open Mind, Open Heart, 158.
45 Rose, Frannie. The Invitation, 105.
46 The work of John Morrison in A Response to Bishop Hanifen's Defense of One Simple Voice and to his Response to the Critique is highly recommended for further review of the New Age Movement and all the similarities to the teachings of Frannie Rose.
47 Connie Rossini, Is Centering Prayer Catholic?: Fr. Thomas Keating Meets Teresa of Avila and the CDF (New Ulm, MN: Four Waters, 2015)
48 Spoken at a One Simple Voice Seminar, found in Morrison's A Response to Bishop Hanifen.
49 Spoken at a One Simple Voice Seminar, found in Morrison's A Response to Bishop Hanifen.
50 Spoken at a One Simple Voice Seminar, found in Morrison's A Response to Bishop Hanifen.
51 The Mystic Show, Interview with Frannie Rose
52 Spoken at a One Simple Voice Seminar, found in Morrison's A Response to Bishop Hanifen.
53 When Frannie was asked if she was enlightened on the Mysitic show she stated: “I was all of that, I would say I was all of that, I was awakened, I was enlightened, some of the experiences were like the Buddhist term satori…”
54 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 675
55 1 John 4:3b
56 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2089
57 Code of Canon Law, 1364
58 Baltimore Catechism, 156 d
59 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1463

Another Letter to a Jehovah's Witness

Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, who is eternally begotten of the Father from al...